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5 Powerful Questions To Ask Yourself Before 2016 Ends

year end reflection

Just over a week to go before 2016 takes a bow. Between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, you will be thinking about the year ahead and how you would like it to play out.

But instead of making resolutions, try charting your brand new year with the guidance of the present one. These five questions will help you take stock of 2016 in a different way and point you in the right direction for 2017.


What am I most grateful for?

Starting with gratitude rather than ambition lets you take a step back to see the complete picture. Often, when we look back at the highlights of our year we tend to see our own achievements and not the people who helped make it possible.

So start by counting your blessings before tallying up your wins. That perspective will guide how you choose to live the next 365 days.


What is ending/has ended in my life?

This does not have to be a major life event like death or divorce. It could be that an old goal no longer excites you and you are ready to move on to something new. Or that your child is starting school or ready to leave the nest.

These are positive endings that are part of your own growth and that will open the door to new beginnings. Acknowledge the end, make peace, let it go and be ready to welcome something even better.


What am I afraid of?

It is hard to face or even to recognise your own fears but it is an exercise that will change your life. Once you can clearly see what has been holding you back from living your fullest life, you can start taking the steps.

Those steps do not necessarily have to be massive life changes or any external change. It could be you accepting your fears and finding a way to work with or around them instead of eliminating them.


Am I expecting too much too soon?

The New Year somehow always pumps us with a generous dose of confidence in our capabilities. And so we make big plans for the year ahead that seem wildly exciting before the countdown but terribly intimidating on 2 January.

Do not over-estimate what you can do in a month and under-estimate what you can do in a year. Start small. The little steps will lead to great destinations.

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How will I hold myself accountable?

The easiest way to make sure you do what you say you will do is to tell people about it. Keeping your dreams and goals a secret makes giving up or slacking off too easy. So put it out there whether it is in person or on social media.

The more people who know and ask you about it, the more compelled you will be to keep progressing and improving. And the more cheerleaders you have, the more enjoyable the pursuit will be.


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