The Midas Menu

The Aesop fable of King Midas tells the story of a king who wished for everything he touched to turn into gold, only to realise that life was not all that he dreamed it would be. In recent times, culinary inventors have drawn inspiration from that fable but have also infused it with an element of moderation.
The creators behind these golden treasures have turned old favourites into extraordinary masterworks with a sprinkle, dash or stroke of this precious metal. These seven breathtaking creations are awash in grandeur and are literally worth their weight in gold. King Midas would certainly approve!
The XXIV Karat Grande Cuvee
Fancy having gold leaf and 24-karat gold flakes dancing in your champagne flute? A bottle of XXIV Karat Grande Cuvee will perform that magic. Each pour of this Californian bubbly will send an exquisite cascade of gold shimmer into your glass. Its delicious blend of pear, pineapple, blanched almonds and toasted coconut is made even better with its astonishing price tag of US$31 a bottle.
The Golden Phoenix Cupcake
In 2012, Bloomsbury Cupcakes’ founder, Shafeena Yusoff Ali, set out to create the world’s most expensive cupcake. After weeks of perfecting the taste and aesthetics, The Golden Phoenix went on sale in Dubai. The cupcake, made from the finest chocolate, wrapped in 23-karat edible gold sheets and infused with gold Ugandan vanilla beans, was valued at a breathtaking US$1,010.
Watch the phoenix rising here:
The Palace Cappuccino
Abu Dhabi is a city renowned for its opulence, so sipping shimmering gold flakes off the froth of a cappuccino could almost be deemed ordinary. The Emirates Palace’s signature blend of premium coffee is liberally sprinkled with real 24-karat gold flakes and at just US$16 a cup, has gained a cult following in the United Arab Emirates. If you are in luck, you could also order its strawberry tart with gold flakes to complete the royal treatment!
The Victoria Sundae
Even without the frills, The Victoria at Langham Chicago’s Pavilion lounge and tearoom oozes decadence. Its base consists of chocolate ice-cream made from premium Guittard Complexite chocolate, and a triple vanilla blend of fruity Tahitian, traditional Madagascar-Bourbon and peppery Mexican.
On the peak of this creamy mountain sit caramelised golden peanuts, 24-karat gold dust, a 24-karat gold leaf and a handcrafted edible chocolate crown. A Wedgewood crystal bowl (which customers can keep) and a bottle of 2003 Dom Perignon are the finishing touches to the Langham’s US$1,000 pièce de résistance.
The Gold Caviar
Special occasions call for champagne. Very special occasions call for a jar of 24-karat imitation caviar. A blend of lemon, white wine and edible gold leaf, this caviar will live in your guests’ memories for a long time. But if you are only looking to feed your curiosity, put back the US$161 jar (73g) and head out to one of the many sushi restaurants that indulge their favourite clientele with a topping of this caviar on their masterpieces.
The Camel Burger
Another golden delicacy at the Emirates Palace, is the camel burger that features a camel mince patty served with a touch of truffle mayonnaise on a 24-karat gold-dusted bun. The sides include twist on traditional Arabian cuisine in the form of gold-dusted chickpea fritters.
The Billion Dollar Popcorn
Berco’s Popcorn has good reason to not beat around the bush with the naming of its signature popcorn. The caramel corn features the Danish Island Laeso, which is the world’s most expensive salt, and is covered in 23-karat edible gold flakes. At US$250 a box, the movie had better be nothing less than a multiple awards winner.
(Main image credit: Berco’s Popcorn)

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