Lessons from Mrs Claus
During Christmas we often forget about one very important woman with drive – a strong and reliable woman that stands by her man, in the background, year after and year. This woman bakes, cleans, washes, does all the admin and accounting for the business, is responsible for hiring new staff and keeps everything in line; Mrs Claus is one serious woman with drive.
womanwithdrive was fortunate enough to catch up with Santa’s leading lady to find out her tricks to a successful and happy home. Here are her “12 Life Lessons for Christmas” direct from the North Pole:
Lesson 1
Everything comes back in fashion. My husband has kept his beard for centuries; always telling me it was his ‘trademark’ look. Well, now he’s apparently considered a ‘hipster’ so I guess he was right, for once.
Lesson 2
Sometimes with age, come some extra unwanted kilos around the stomach. I highly doubt my husband will ever exercise or go on Jenny Craig, so I’ve learnt to accept him for the jolly, rounded chap that he is.
Lesson 3
Don’t get jealous if your partner goes out late. Sometimes he can be on a tight deadline and just has to work through the night. Plus, at least he’s not getting in the way at home if he’s out.
Lesson 4
If you can’t have children, that’s ok. An office full of staff can sometimes be just like family. My team even look like children and they can be just as messy!
Lesson 5
Even though your staff can look sweet and innocent, it’s important to remain tough but fair. I find providing staff with baked goods significantly increases productivity.
Lesson 6
If you’re fortunate enough to work with your partner, it’s best to try to take a backseat and make him believe he makes all the decisions. Everyone thinks my husband sees you when you’re sleeping and knows when you’re awake, HA! Half the time he’s just lazing about! I decide who’s been naughty or nice in this house.
Lesson 7
If you’re partner is tired after a hard day’s work, let him rest. He may have actually only worked for one day, but try and make him feel good about himself. Flattery can go a long way ladies.
Lesson 8
Draw the line with pets. Don’t let ‘man’s best friend’ sleep in the bedroom. Believe me, being kept up all night by a glowing red nose is not fun.
Lesson 9
If you’re partner drinks a little too much once in a while don’t be alarmed. Once a year, my husband comes home in the early hours of the morning and is a little tiddlypied – especially after he’s been visiting his Australian friends.
Lesson 10
Being isolated from friends can sometimes be difficult to deal with, especially when you live as far as the North Pole. I love leaving comments on the womanwithdrive site; it helps me to stay connected.
Lesson 11
Make sure your man helps around the house. It took me years to convince my husband to iron his own pants. My advice is to be patient! Persistence pays off, and a little bit of nagging never hurt anyone.
Lesson 12
Finally, after a long marriage, it’s important to keep the romantic flame alight. Roll playing can work wonders – enough said.

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